
At SpecGrade Grow, we’re confident that your decision to invest in our LED Grow Lights will result in a positive experience and an aggressive ROI. We’re fully invested in the potential of the indoor cultivation industry and believe it’s our mission to assist professional growers achieve ever greater results from today’s most advanced LED lighting technology.

Our collaborative relationships with industry professionals have translated into an unwavering focus on innovation and reliability, and a commitment to growing excellence. Ultimately, it results in an increase to your ROI.

When you collaborate with SpecGrade Grow by purchasing our grow lights and enrolling in our Partner Program, your facility will always have access to the latest LED grow light technology to test on your crops. The feedback you provide will assist our engineers in making important upgrades to the technology—and you’ll be the first to benefit.

As a SpecGrade Partner, you will receive:

Preliminary access to our most advanced technology and products We will help design and build custom spectrums Calculations that ensure your plants are receiving the proper amount of PPFD at a specific hanging distance over the canopy Discounts on new product introductions

All we ask of you in return is:

Assistance in testing our newest grow lights in your facility under controlled grow conditions Document the process and use the results and media for promotional campaigns and messaging Provide feedback on the test cases of our developmental products in the field

As a Preferred SpecGrade Grow Partner, we hope to help you stay ahead of the competition with the most efficient and powerful LED grow light technology on the market, and the highest ROI. In return, your cultivation expertise will help us gain new insights about the nature of photosynthetic technology and the best applications for maximum results.

Come Collaborate With Us!