Don’t Leave Money on the Table!

SpecGrade & Our Partner Can Help You Secure Your Rebate!

Assisting large & smaller-scale cannabis or produce operators Our Partner can leverage their decades of experience to help you secure your utility rebate.

Not only with your LED grow lights, but our Partner can also evaluate your dehumidification, HVAC systems, controllers or other upgrades.

And SpecGrade will generate the required grow light calculations & documentation.

With over 3,000 electric utilities in the United States, each with their own unique rebate offering. Our Partner with 10 years of experience, will cut through the red tape and help you understand if rebates are available, and for how much, based on location and equipment.

Because time is money our Partner will assist you in strategizing the entire complex process from start to end.  For example, at the beginning of the process some growers accidentally disqualify themselves by waiting too long—so start early.   You can speed things up by supplying them with requested information, and ensuring your facility is ready to go.   At the end of the process, because the utility will monitor your usage for 2 to 6 months, your paperwork better be accurate, or you might be giving them back money!

Easy 4-Step Process

Need Rebate Financing?

Our Partner will finance 80% of the of your approved rebate at a cost of:

  • Deal Fee: 5%
  • Per 30-day period of time: 2%
  • $20K Minimum Rebate


  • Reduces your out-of-pocket cash.
  • No impact to credit or balance sheet.
  • No liens.


Approved Rebate: $ 100,000
Loan Amount: $ 80,000
Deal Fee: $ 4,000
Fee per 30-days: $ 1,600